
Useful information to help you move through grief, loss and change to a brighter future.

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How to manage grief

It's only a short time since someone you loved dearly passed away, and you feel traumatised and in shock. You may have nursed someone through an illness and said your goodbyes, but it just hasn't prepared you for reality at all. Maybe you've lost a child or your spouse, or another close friend or relative. The funeral has been, visitors gone, and here you are. You may be alone in your house, or you may have family you live with, but it's like a chasm exists between you and them.  Your ...

December 17, 2021

Feeling stuck with a critical life event that has derailed you?

It can affect your health and family life; it can totally stress you out. You might feel stuck as you don't know what actions to take. You might feel like you're caught at the crossroads and unsure which way to turn.   We go through all kinds of changes or transitions in our lives: mid-life crises, kids leaving home, entering retirement, redundancy, or even the threat of redundancy with your workplace restructuring – yet again. You may be dealing with some kind of loss, or you'r...

December 16, 2021

How to cope with the trauma and grief of losing a loved one

Some tips that will give you some reassurance and hope help you to navigate your minefield of emotions and find a way forward. It hurts like crazy, right, and nobody else really gets it unless they’ve been in the same boat. Well, I have, and I am going through it. It’s not a thing that you get over as such; it’s how you learn to live with it and find purpose and joy again. Right now, you might be traumatised with grief and can see no tomorrow. You might be in shock, angry, despairing, feel...

December 15, 2021 Posts 1-3 of 3 | Page

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